April 2008: I now have Tearstained T-shirts for sale. The package includes a XL shirt, 2 pins and 2 stickers. The shirt has the logo on front, and the pins and stickers have the logo as well. Price is $30 (world). You can pay through PayPal (vaalkoth@yahoo.com) or if in the USA send a money order to my address (see the "For Sale" section.
March 2008: The
new CD "Nightmare Visions"
is all mixed and mastered. The CD layout will now be worked upon. Not sure
of an exact release date yet......but there are 8 new songs (and 2 hidden
coversongs) all about my own dreams or recurring dream themes. I posted
one new advance track in my myspace page (www.myspace.com/myopengrave).
Here is the full tracklisting:
1. The Old House On The Mountainside 2. Crawling
With Tarantulas 3. The Coffin 4. When The Sun And Moon Share The Sky
5. Mesta Mansion 6. The Plague Dream 7. The
Porceline Doll 8. Not Quite Awake
November 2007: The website has moved. My old address of www.angelfire.com/ego/mikael was shut down due to some apparently offensive pics I posted I think. So this is the new site at tearstained666.angelfire.com
2007: Eight months have passed with not much
more progress made on the recording of the 5th Tearstained CD which will
be entitled "Nightmare Visions".
3 songs are done, 3 songs are half-done, 2 more in the works plus the 2
coversongs to do. The albums theme is dreams; my dreams. Each song is about
either a particular dream I recorded in my dream journal, or about a recurring
theme in many of my dreams. I'll post more news on the new album as I slowly
continue recording. I'll tease you with a few song titles:
"The Old
House On The Mountainside", "Crawling With Tarantulas", "The Coffin Dream",
"When The Sun And Moon Share The Sky" and "The Plague Dream".
It will be worth the wait. Look for an early 2008 release.
My snail-mail mailing address has changed. I have had the same P.O. Box since 1993, but I moved away from that part of town 3 years ago and it became a real pain in the ass to drive all the way out to that post office to get my mail. So in August I simply did not renew my P.O. Box rental. So don't send any more mail there. I won't get it, it won't be forwarded to me.
For my new mailing address, e-mail me. It is still the same as it has been: vaalkoth@yahoo.com
I also
now have a myspace page with 4 MP3's in it. You can visit it at:
And mega-thanks to Mordred for doing the trade and getting me the Thormenthor CD 1994. Fuck yea!!!!
Wrath has a new website,
and once in it you can also visit them in MySpace by clicking the link.
And there are also band forums; if you click on "Forums". Scroll down to
"My Open Grave" and that is the Tearstained Forum. Their online webshop
is called "The Basar". Support the Barbarian Wrath hordes.!!!!
December 2006: I just posted a CD Want List page. If anyone has any of these CD's and wants to sell it or trade, or can help in the location of any of them, then THANK YOU in advance.
No news
with the forthcoming 5th Tearstained CD. Been slow in the recording process.
I have completed about 4 songs so far. Very dark and haunting. I don't
want to give anything away. Be patient. It won't be out til mid to late
2007 anyhow. Keep banging your fucking head to "Homicidal Tendencies"!!!
July 2006:
29th, I finally have the new CD in stock. The "Homicidal
Tendencies" CD is $12
each to anywhere in the world. Send cash or
money order, or you can pay through PayPal at vaalkoth@yahoo.com.
May 2006 : The fourth TEARSTAINED CD will be released on June 6th, 2006 (6-6-06). The title is "Homicidal Tendencies" and it is the most AGGRESSIVE Tearstained album to date. The albums theme is homicide: murder, vengeance, killing, genocide and misanthropy. It's a ripping assault on the senses with angry grim vokills and that CULT sound. The tracklisting will be:
1. Absolute
Overkill In Vengeance's Name
2. Reduced
To An Unidentibiable John Doe
3. Time
4. Justified
Homicide (Contemplating An Act Of Murder)
5. Let
Everything Die....Slowly
6. Social
7. Revenge
Killing Spree
8. Genocide
And Misanthropy
(+2 hidden bonus tracks)
and new logo have been done by Kris Verwimp. MP3's will soon be available
in the BarbarianWrath site.
The previous release date of Nailday (Easter) was delayed, but I think
you'll find this album worth the wait. The Suicide Trilogy is also still
available through Barbarian Wrath, and I still have some copies of the
"Monumental In Its Sorrow" re-issue CD available. Email
me for info.
The 4th
album "Homicidal Tendencies" is in the works of being finished up.
Look for a release date sometime in early 2006. The Aggressive Black Cult
storm is coming your way.....
2005: The "Monumental..." CD's have been delayed
on their shipment to me. As soon as I have them in stock they will be for
sale and I'll start with my trades with the few distros I contacted already.
Be pateint.
And has
anyone been following what's going on in France with the niggers rioting?
2005: The official release of the "Monumental
In Its Sorrow" CD re-issue is Samhain 2005 (Halloween). The label has it
in stock and the first 100 ordered come with a Tearstained sew-on patch.
I will have the CD in stock by November.
An important news story just erupted in Toledo, Ohio. Further proof of the nigger problem in this country. I have posted the entire news report straight from AP.
SEEWER, Associated Press Writer
1 hour,
3 minutes ago Saturday October 15, 2005
Ohio - A crowd protesting a white supremacists' march Saturday turned violent,
throwing baseball-sized rocks at police, vandalizing vehicles and stores,
and setting fire to a neighborhood bar, authorities said.
When Mayor
Jack Ford and a local minister tried to calm the rioting, they were cursed
for allowing the march, and Ford said a masked gang member threatened to
shoot him.
At least
65 people were arrested and several police officers were injured before
calm was restored about four hours later.
Ford blamed
the rioting on gangs
taking advantage of a volatile situation.
He declared a state of emergency, set an 8 p.m. curfew through the weekend,
and asked the Highway Patrol for help.
exactly what they wanted," Ford said of the group that planned the march,
which was canceled because of the rioting.
At least two dozen members of the National Socialist Movement, which calls itself "America's Nazi Party," had gathered at a city park to march under police protection. Organizers said they were demonstrating against black gangs they said were harassing white residents.
The violence broke out about one-quarter of a mile away along the planned march route shortly before it was to begin. One group of men pounded on a convenience store, and others overturned vehicles. There was a report of a shooting but police hadn't found a victim, Police Chief Mike Navarre said.
About 150 police officers chased bands of young men through the area. Officers wearing gas masks fired tear gas canisters and flash-bang devices designed to stun suspects, but the groups continued throwing rocks and bottles. Several officers and firefighters suffered minor injuries, Navarre said. At one point, the crowd reached 600people, officials said.
Finally, police marched shoulder-to-shoulder down the street shouting to people to stay inside, and the crowd of several hundred broke up.
At least 65 people were arrested on charges including assault, vandalism, failure to obey police and failure to disperse, Navarre said. He said the white supremacists had left hours earlier.
"We frankly could have made a couple hundred arrests easily," Navarre said. "We just didn't have the resources on hand to arrest all of them."
The mayor had appealed to residents the night before to ignore the march. He said the city wouldn't give the Nazi group a permit to march in the streets but couldn't stop them from walking on the sidewalks.
When the rioting began, Ford tried to negotiate with those involved, but "they weren't interested in that." He said people in the crowd swore at him and wanted to know why he was protecting the Nazis.
They were mostly "gang members who had real or imagined grievances and took it as an opportunity to speak in their own way," Ford said.
"I was chagrined that there were obvious mothers and children in the crowd with them," he said.
Thomas Frisch, 76, said a large group of men destroyed the exterior of a gas station next to his home of 30 years.
"A whole big gang started to come in here. Next thing you know, they're jumping on the car. Then they overturned it. Then they started on the building, breaking windows, ripping the bars off," he said.
Louis Ratajski, 86, and his nephew, Terry Rybczynski, left Jim & Lou's Bar as a crowd gathered in front pelting police with rocks and breaking the windows. They climbed down a fire escape from the apartment where Ratajski lived over the bar and only later saw the fire on television.
"I was shaking. I feared for my life." Rybczynski said.
Keith White, a black resident, criticized city officials for allowing the march in the first place.
"They let them come here and expect this not to happen?" said White, 29.
A spokesman for the National Socialist Movement blamed police for losing control of the situation.
End of News Story
There you go, straight off the press. Didn't we just have looting niggers in New Orleans stealing tv's and and guns and non-essentials from stores? I can't even title a song "The Spread Of Nigger Culture" on my next album because it will get banned. What is so special about this lost and directionless darkskinned race???? Do white people realize that niggers use the word more than we do? Enough of the bullshit already. Niggers ALWAYS take advantage of a situation to loot and destroy. The TV footage of these Toledo riots shows hordes of niggers throwing bottles at cars and police, smashing windows, and acting like the savages they are. The "white supremacists" were simply protesting the way the niggers were treating the whites, and they were peaceful. It's the niggers who started the violence, and basicly PROOVED the point of the "white supremacists". White people in this country, and in the media, need to start waking up and speaking some truth. This problem is happening because sympathetic whites are enabling it to happen. And the black community is doing NOTHING about it. Niggers don't want equality, they just want to exploit and loot and take what they deem they "deserve". And let me point out that by using the word nigger, I am not condemning the ENTIRE black race. Even blacks call certain other blacks niggers, and they know goddam well what I mean. So I don't need your angry hate-mail bent outta shape about my using the word nigger. Your nigger hip-hop and (c)rap artists use it so often that it's become part of the "ebonics" ghetto-language enamoured so much by so many brainless people living in this country. It's not my fault that 80% of american blacks are niggers. That's not to say that there aren't just as many useless white people too, it's just that percentage-wise the whites are far less subhuman. And it is become quite apparent that a large percentage of blacks really hate whites. I have seen it, heard it, experienced it.
2005: The Tearstained logo has been updated
by the original artist, Kris Verwimp. I had some ideas about updating it
a bit, and Kris did a killer job. It's posted atop the main page now.
The "Monumental
In Its Sorrow" CD shall be released by the 15th. BW is already taking pre-orders,
and the first 100 CD's come with a sew-on patch of a simplified Tearstained
logo. I will have the CD in stock and for
sale/for trade by November 2005.
The coverart is being finished up for the 4th CD by Kris Verwimp. Expect something dark and brooding. After all, it will be the album cover for the "Homicidal Tendencies" CD. It's now possibly going to be out by X-mas, but let's see if we can get the layout done in time.
And if you haven't done so already, it is time to pull out those Voivod CD's. I know that War And Pain, Rrroooaaarrr, Killing Technology, Dimension Hatross, Nothingface, and The Outer Limits have all been spinning in my CD players all month long. And after a nice bud-toking, the layout for The Outer Limits with the 3-D glasses is very entertaining.
Lastly, on a historical-philosophical note: It's a shame that Pontiac's Uprising in 1763 was not a success. It's a further shame that the North won the Civil War.
September 2005 : I'd like to begin this entry with the sad news of the death of Denis "Piggy" D'Amour of VOIVOD on Aug. 26th of colon cancer at the age of 45. Piggy was a one-of-a-kind guitar player. He created some of the most complex riffs in metal, and Voivod is right up there at the top of my list as one of the greatest metal bands ever. Lately a lot of metal icons have been dying. Quorthon of BATHORY died last August of heart failure. Paul Baloff from EXODUS died. Chuck Schuldiner of DEATH. David Wayne, the original vocalist of METAL CHURCH, died from injuries sustained in a car crash this year. I can still remember the news back in 1986 when Cliff Burton died in a bus wreck in Europe. It devastated everyone. Of course if the remaining members of Metallica died in a bus crash tomorrow, I'd probably laugh. But these recent deaths hit me hard, because these guys really put out some classic and cult music that inspired me heavily, and I suppose in a way I felt I could relate to them. Yet I hear very little about them. They get lost in the news of the day. That is just sad. I could give a fuck about some dead supreme court justice!!! Or more dead people in the middle east!! Fuck!!!
As for Tearstained, the "Monumental In Its Sorrow" re-issue CD is due out this month.
Due to possible legal problems, I had to change a song title on the forth-coming 4th CD, "Homicidal Tendencies". The song "The Spread Of Nigger Culture" is now entitled "Social Parisitism". We're not sure if we can even print the lyrics. The Germans are even worse than the USA when it comes to censorship and "freedom of speech". After Hurricane Katrina, it appears even Mother Nature hates niggers.
I am currently
writing songs for the 5th album, which will be titled "Nightmare Visions
- part one". I have spoken about the concept of this album before. But
I don't want to get too ahead of myself....
June 2005
: The 4th album has been completed. The title is "Homicidal Tendencies"
and it has 8 tracks (+ 2 hidden coversongs). This album is very AGGRESSIVE.
Massively dark & twisted. With a theme of homicide, of rage, anger,
revenge, killing, misanthropy, hatred & genocide. Kris Verwimp will
be doing an album cover painting for this 4th CD, so there will be some
time before it comes out....probably early 2006. But the sound is just
CRUSHING! Aggressive Black Cult!!
The "Monumental In Its Sorrow" CD re-issue has been delayed, but it will be coming out in September 2005. The first 100 CD's sold come with a free sew-on Tearstained logo-patch (fuck YEAH!!!!!). You'll finally have the full Suicide Trilogy available to you on barbarian Wrath. The layout is absolutely spectacular, in full color, 8 page booklet with lyrics and notes. New cover-photo, and the booklet photos are unreleased photos by Evil Eye and many gravestone pictures taken by Mikael around Rochester, NY around 1999.
I'm not
printing t-shirts. I simply don't have the money to put up to get some
pressed. Maybe, eventually, I'll get some done, but right now money is
Oh, and
here is the full tracklisting for the 4th CD "Homicidal Tendencies":
Overkill In vengeance's Name", "Reduced To An Unidentifiable John Doe",
"Time Bomb", "Justified Homicide (Contemplating An Act Of Murder), "Let
Everything Die.....Slowly", "The Spread Of Nigger Culture", "Revenge Killing
Spree", "Genocide And Misanthropy".
As for the "Monumental..."
re-issue, layout is being worked on still. I am waiting on news, but was
last told a release date of the end of March 2005, so perhaps Walpurgisnacht
(March 30th).
Lastly, I am looking into finally printing some Tearstained t-shirts. Front will have the beautiful logo in white (on black shirt) and on back will be "DEPRESSIVE BLACK CULT". Shirts will be $20 (world, including postage). You'll see news here when they are printed, and it'll show up on the Merchandise page.
Then a new album, or two, or three, will be recorded. The plan is to record the 4th and 5th albums simultaneously during late 2003 because they are a 2 part conceptual piece in which the lyrics are all based on dreams or recurring dream themes that I have recorded in a dream journal. "Nightmare Visions" shall be the title of the fourth CD and "Dark Macabre Dreams" the 5th. But I also plan on doing a CD called "Homicidal Tendencies" which focuses on vengeance, anger and capabilities of murder. Plus there is an album I have lyrics written for called "Cold Melancholy" which is a 5 part epic piece with no songtitles. Lots of ideas and plans. Now I must record them all before I lose them. Albums are like visions in my mind, and I am currently trying to manifest them onto tape. I also use an old Analog recording studio of my own (Mortuary Temple Studio) and the reel-to-reel tape is hard to find and expensive to purchase. I actually recorded "Final Thoughts" over an older album.
TEARSTAINED is the only active
"band" I am in right now. NIGHT CONQUERS DAY is R.I.P.(1995-2002). INTO
THE SUNLESS MERIDIAN lies dormant. SHADOWCASTER is simply not active due
to lack of interest.
That's about all for now. Send
human skulls and bones to my PO Box as a gift and I'll dedicate my next
CD to you. METAL NEVER DIES...............