released: June 6th, 2006 (6-6-06)
1. Absolute Overkill In Vengeance's Name (6:39)
2. Reduced To An Unidentifiable John Doe (5:46)
3. Time Bomb (5:37)
4. Justified Homicide (Contemplating An Act Of Murder) (4:57)
5. Let Everything Die........Slowly (5:28)
6. Social Parasitism (5:33)
7. Revenge Killing Spree (4:09)
8. Genocide And Misanthropy (6:34)
hidden bonus tracks
9. Total Destruction (BATHORY)/Scene Of The Crime
(????) (8:40)
Recorded entirely in Mortuary Temple Studio during July, August &
December 2004, January - June 2005.
Produced & Excruciated by Mikael.
Mixed & Mastered with Doug White at Watchmen Studio on 13th June
Logo & Coverart by the brilliant Kris Verwimp.
Photos of Mikael by Evil Eye, all gravestone photos by Mikael.
Layout by Mikael & Cheryl.
All Music & Lyrics by Mikael (well, except the 2 hidden tracks)
All instruments & vocals performed by Mikael, exclusively.
Contact: Tearstained, PO Box 174, North Greece, NY, 14515, USA.
Heavy Doses of the following were sonically ingested throughout the recording of this album:
NECROVORE, POSSESSED, Destruction, Slayer, Dark Angel, Flames, Hallow's Eve, Iron Angel, Sacrifice and Bathory. (Quorthon R.I.P.)
Plus the usual endless repeated listening of: Exodus (Paul Baloff R.I.P.), Razor, Malhavoc, Master's Hammer, Mercyful Fate, Piledriver, Exorcist, Carpathian Forest, Dark Throne, Grand Belial's Key, Mortuary Drape, Mystifier, Necrophagia, Acid, Venom, Deathrow, Incubus (aus), OLD Metallica, Morgoth, Holy Death, the true Mayhem, Hobbs Angel Of Death, Infernal Majesty, Marduk, Nasty Savage, Tankard, Von, Blood Feast, Living Death, Hellhammer, Celtic Frost, Pestilence, Gehenna, Vulcano, Vacant Grave, Sodom, Running Wild, Attila, Metal Church (David Wayne R.I.P.), Morbid Angel (Altars Of Madness!!!), Emperor/Enslaved (split CD'93), Ved Buens Ende & Urgehal.
This album is dedicated to the memories of: Metallic Overdrive (1981-1993), the radio show that introduced alot of extreme metal to me between 1985 and 1989, and it's host "The Warhead"; Sonic Insanity (1989-2004), the radio show I did with co-host and best friend Evil Eye, blaspheming the airwaves for 15 years....hails to our devotees; and to every cult 80's metal band that lost their style and/or sound after emerging from that decade. That's why it's CULT.
Candles burn for: Hartmuth & Cheryl of Barbarian Wrath (above and beyond a label!!!), Kris Verwimp (a total genius), Ron "Evil Eye" Pappert (to the death), my brother J (for endless use of his bass), my parents, Val, Tim Miller, Chris at Season Of Mist USA, THRONEUM & Time Before Time Prod., Captor & BLOODTHRONE, ChorazaiM & MEGIDDO, FARSCAPE, APOKALYPTIC RAIDS, Knjaz Varggoth & NOKTURNAL MORTUM, Jan & RADEMASSAKER, Iron Pegasus Records, Bob and Heavy Metal Records & The Academy Of Shred radio show, Stygian Shadows Zine, Astralgeist Zine, Arthur Shawcross (you were caught too soon),, all distros, labels, mags, zines, radio shows & online people in some way supporting or giving attention to Tearstained, to those who own the Suicide Trilogy, and to those who await the Nightmare Visions.
Slow Death is wished upon: Those who serve and protect, those who lie and cheat to attain false power, those that cling to idols & icons for a hopeless faith, those who follow rather than lead, those comfortable with benign answers rather than questioning all things, and..... all american traffic officers, motor vehicles employees, the corrupt 2-party "democracy" of this withered republic, the Bush regime, conservatives, evangelists, pro-lifers, crackheads, nigger-breeders, human rats, and countless cocksuckers and cunts who in some way took from me something valuable, fucked me over, stole from me, lied, cheated, framed, or added misery to my life in order to better theirs. I will piss on your graves and haunt you long after my death. It is unfortunate you lower beings fed from my flames, because they will sting you and the souls of your ancestors for centuries. DCLXVI Mikael Vaalkoth 2005
"Absolute Overkill In Vengeance's Name"
Crossed my path and hoped to die
You're human filth and scum
You live to lie and steal and breed
I was your LAST victim
You saw an opportunity
Easy so you thought
You're stopped cold in your tracks
By me you have been caught
Absolute Overkill
In Vengeance's Name
I will hunt you down you coward pig
The gene pool sure has thinned
I've been your shadow for several weeks now
and soon by my hands you'll be skinned
I've brought my tools and a bag of ice
To store your trophy head
For the torture I bestow while you still breathe
Continues when you are dead
I tolerate not those who disrespect what's mine
Liars and thieves will soon regret their actions in time
Those unworthy of life will soon greet slow death
In times of vengeance I lose my mind, you lose your breath
I'll make it crystal clear: do not fuck with me
Smash your face with my fist, a quick blow to the back of the head
Tied, restrained, slowly tortured, it'll take some time until you're
Fingers off one by one, taunted with the barrell of a gun
Gashes, cuts, bleeding freely, your slow death becoming fun
Think about how you have lived, any regrets? lets hear those cries!
Can I take you to the brink where you will be begging to die?
You deserve this, you know it - my path crossed was your last
In this world I am your Judge and you will pay for your (choices in
the) past
Lyrics: 2/20/05 & 5/15/05
"Reduced To An Unidentifiable John Doe"
Where does the body lie?
Hidden and rotting
You mean nothing
Your life meant NOTHING
Disposed corpse
Long forgotten and undisturbed
Buried in a nameless grave
Somewhere deep in the woods
No forensic evidence, a body dumped remotely
For years no corpse, no end in sight
For years no corpse, pray all you like
Where does the body lie?
Hidden and rotting
You mean nothing
Your life meant NOTHING!
Fingers cut off
Face disfigured
Teeth torn out
Skull fractured
Fingers cut off
Face disfigured
Teeth torn out
Skull fractured
Ribs shattered
Pelvis cracked
Arms and legs broken
Cranium smashed
You don't deserve to live, I will make you disappear
No one will even miss you, I'll watch you cry in fear
From me you cannot hide, there's nowhere left to go
I will bring into your life all misery and woe
You don't deserve to live, I will make you disappear
No one will even miss you, I'll watch you cry in fear
I will bring into your life all misery and woe
You're reduced to an unidentifiable John Doe
You don't deserve to live, I will make you disappear
No one will even miss you, I'll watch you cry in fear
From me you cannot hide, there's nowhere left to go
Reduced to an unidentifiable John Doe
Lyrics: 4/28/05
"Time Bomb"
Rage burns within
Time Bomb ticks
Waiting for ignition
Ready to explode
Hatred burning thunder
Vehemence implored
Violent attack
Your life is abhorred
Time Bomb (x4)
Craving to see blood
Slice open your skin
Flashes of the blade
Sinking deep within
Eyes are filled with horror
A burning rage within
Ready to explode
A fury deep within
A fury, burning, yearning deep within
There's so much boiling inside me
When does the steam burst?
Who presses the button that makes pain
impossible to resist inflicting?
When does the mind finally just crack?
I feel like a Time Bomb
Just waiting to explode
Lyrics: 9/6/01 & 4/27/05
"Justified Homicide (Contemplating An Act Of Murder)"
We all know someone not deserving life
Contemplating an act of murder
Wretched leech, human scum, thief and liar
Instant death, loss of breath, dead boys choir...
Overpopulation, not quite enough executions
Laws protect the weak and the worms of our race
Diplomatic solutions always end in corruption
Justified homicide, kill the weak and downtrodden
Forensic evidence, will the Jury see my point
Innocent until proven guilty - what a LIE
Mass exterminations are just one solution
Individual laws, murder legalized
Overpopulation, not quite enough executions
Laws protect the weak and the worms of our race
Mass exterminations are just one solution
Individual laws, murder legalized
Will you get away with it or will you pay?
Premeditation must be proved
The perfect crime, no links, no evidence
Killing scum, seek no penitance
Justified Homicide
You decide
Justified Homicide
Who should die
Let the niggers kill themselves, they do everyday
Let fathers kill molestor's of their children
Let victims decide the fate of their violators
Some humans simply were born to be corpses
Justified Homicide
You decide
Justified Homicide
Who should die
Lyrics: 2/25/05
"Let Everything Die........Slowly"
Fuck this whole fucking world
I want to see everything die
Life should wither away slowly
A long, slow, painful decay
Mankind is a repulsive blight on the Earth
Our blood should fill the oceans
Let all life suffocate
Life is meaningless
This Earth should breathe no more
Nothing deserves to live
Molten rock will blot out the sun
All vegetation will rot
The living will starve to death
Humans will suffer.....suffer.......SUFFER!
This entire planet shall become a lifeless ball of rock!
Praise destruction!
Hail death and decay!
Welcome total extinction of life on Earth
Let the sun go nova
Obliterate the universe
Welcome the end of consciousness
Return to the utter nothingness
Nihilistical absolution
Let everything die....
Lyrics: March 1999
"Social Parasitism"
Everyday I see the spread
of nigger culture in America
Spreading like a slow disease
Embracing youth like a slave
Their ghettos littered with garbage and trash
Spraypainted streetcorners and barred windows
A generation of pimps, hoods and thieves
Niggers or wiggers, both breed like rats
Their culture of thievery and crack
Taking and using and leeching the system
Welfare breeders and streetcorner trash
The only race to sell it's own as slaves
Squash every opportunity, expecting endless charity
I had nothing to do with their ancestor's slavery
Their culture of thievery and crack
Taking and using and leeching the system
The spread of nigger culture
Deteriorates from within
Our cities are polluted with
Human beings not worthy of life
The early slavetraders were African
Selling their own race to Europeans
They kill each other one by one
A confused race with no direction
Niggers breed relentlessly
Rats of our soceity
Lyrics: 4/28/05
Altered title to avoid criminal action: 7/28/05
originally titled "The Spread Of Nigger Culture"
"Revenge Killing Spree"
Revenge Killing Spree
Revenge Killing Spree
How many can I take out?
Bullets spray into my enemies
Slashing and hacking to pieces
Their bullet-riddled corpses
Insane for blood
All for revenge
Spill all their blood
All for revenge
Make a masterplan
Enough time to execute them all
One by one
Technical precision
Armed with guns and knives
and ammunition
Vested and suited
Well prepared for this last stand
I'm executioner
Victims of my judgement with a complete lack of mercy
I feel only hatred
Insane for blood
Men in black will stop my spree eventually
All for revenge
Lyrics: 2/24/05
"Genocide And Misanthropy"
Misanthropy - the hatred of humans
Self-loathing to a greater degree
Despise the scum of the earth
Many lower breeds, some my own
Time for genocidal decisions
Extermination of the scum and thieves
Let their deaths be free
Purify humanity through misanthropy
Harsh, cruel-natured
Victim of living
Trustless, shielded
Eyes burn in fire
Stone cold
Path crossed
Disrespect will be pounded
Pounded to dust
Those unworthy of life
Pollute the air I breathe
Genocide and Misanthropy
The answers for those who are wise
Genocide and Misanthropy
Human nature is corruptable lies
Life is worthless
Harsh, cruel-natured
Protected, relentless
Fire burns in my eyes
Cold steel
Path crossed
Why do leeches still walk free?
Feed them to ovens overtly
(repeat chorus)
Those weak pawns, sheep in herds
Brainless weasels
Thieves and addicts
This is the human race
This is the human race
Let hatred flow free....... (x4)
Let hatred flow free......
(end theme)
(become lost and bang your fucking head)
Lyrics: 1/9/05
c. 2006 into the sunless music
if you've been offended, then you maybe have a right to be. fuck off!
it's a free world.